WE WILL BE SEVEN! Thank you for everything

On 19.7. we're celebrating our 7. th birthday 🥳 And we're pretty emotional. In addition to all the excitement about the party, we feel one thing above all: HAPPY. "Seventh Year Itch"? Not with us! And that is great luck - which we owe in large part to each and every one of you.
Real talk: When Tobi started sewing hammocks in 2014 - he didn't believe that seven years later he would still be selling some. The goal was actually quite different.
"I just wanted to share my love of hammocks with everyone and show those who say 'I'm not an outdoor person' that there is more to it than blistered feet or wobbly tent poles."
Seven years later he convinced all his friends - and a few more 😉

The fact that things are still going so well for us is also due to the fact that Tobi got support after three years. He himself says he should have done it much sooner. Support came in the form of Vincent:
"When Tobi suggested I join HÄNG and explained all the tools and processes, I asked myself why he still needed me."
The shop was already running! We have been automating everything that can be automated since day one. A large number of tools relieves us of a large part of the work.
But there isn't a tool for everything. And you can't be able to do everything - or feel like doing everything. There is now an 11-strong team for the rest. The jungle of authorities and administrative apparatus in particular used to annoy us at times (and, to be honest, still does). This is probably the most difficult thing about founding a startup: forms, legal forms and laws. It's a good thing that Vincent's mum is an accountant and used to work from home, “there was already stamped and stapled in the Pampers”. And that's why he can just continue doing it at HANG 😁
To ensure that everything at HÄNG runs as it should, everyone in the team has an area of responsibility. But the nice thing is: everyone can try out what they feel like doing. Or is it allowed to hand over a task that you find really stupid to someone else. Sounds chaotic, but it's anything but. Trust, motivation and a sense of responsibility are the criteria that Tobi and Vincent used to choose their comrades-in-arms (not school grades or fancy degrees). And that's exactly what it's all about. And when in doubt: Better done than perfect.
We're going to be seven, and we're not only super happy - we are grateful too. That it worked with the startup, that we still exist, that we can create jobs where everyone can work completely freely and flexibly.
Above all, we are grateful to all those who have accompanied and supported us from the beginning, who always have confidence in us and our ideas, who support our products on Kickstarter. Everyone who connects with us via Instagram or Facebook or email, inspires us and shares our vision.
That's why we celebrate our birthday in exactly the same way: with our community, with a picnic at Instagram on 19.7. and with great friends. If you feel like it, tune into our Instagram Live on Monday at 6 p.m. 🙂
As a small thank you on top, we are also planting seven additional trees with our partner, the Eden Reforestation Projects, in our birthday week (from July 19th to 25th) for every order 🌳 Best birthday present for us - and for nature.