7 fatal mistakes that can happen to you as a hammock beginner

Fancy sleeping under the stars and waking up the next day to the first warm rays of the rising sun?
A hammock can offer you all that. And much more.
However, things can go wrong with hammock camping. We have put together a list of mistakes that can happen to you as a hammock beginner. We will also show you how you can easily avoid making mistakes so that you can enjoy your first coffee in the morning fresh and rested in your hammock.
Mistake #1 - Wrong hammock
A hammock is not just a hammock. There are countless different models on the market.
Basically, you can choose between hammocks with bundled ends and hammocks with a spreader bar at both ends.
Hammocks with a spreader bar allow you a wide lying area, but it can quickly become wobbly. If you want to sleep in the mat, you should grab a mat with the ends bunched up so you can't fall out.
In addition, a second person can easily hop over to you without the need for a balancing act. If you want to travel light, the lighter mats are ideal without the added weight of the spreader bars.
You can see what an ultra-light hammock with bundled ends for two people looks like here discover.
If you are still unsure about buying the hammock, you can make use of the 14-day right of return and try it out after ordering.
Mistake #2 - Lying Wrong
Probably the most common point of criticism when sleeping in hammocks: back pain.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution that allows you to lie down comfortably and relaxed for hours: lying sideways instead of lengthways. If you lie "from corner to corner", your back not only stays straight, but the side fabric of your hammock is stretched and cannot fall in your face.
Mistake #3 - Mosquito net vsmeal
Stinging insects are the unwelcome companion of every summer outdoor excursion. No matter how relaxed you can be in your hammock and doze off. The mosquitoes will wake you up again. You will be anything but rested and rested the next morning.
The simple but essential solution is a mosquito net that you stretch over your hammock. Many camping hammocks have a built-in mosquito net. This is practical, but sewn-in nets can tear out under load. For this reason it is worth buying a separate net for your hammock.
Mistake #4 - Lack of thermal protection
When you sleep in a hammock, the fresh night air can circulate both above and below you. This can make your sleep a chilly affair.
You should have a sufficiently warm sleeping bag. When buying, pay attention to the specified temperature range in which it can be used.
However, your back can cool down in the hammock despite a good sleeping bag. In other words, your butt is anything but hot. This is because materials can only be thermally insulating if they contain air and are not compressed. For example, you can put a sleeping mat underneath or get a specially designed heat protection, also called an underquilt.
Mistake #5 - Lack of rain cover
How can you avoid your hammock trip falling into the water?
plan plan.
You can buy special tarpaulins for camping, so-called tarps, or you can use simpler standard tarpaulins, for example from the hardware store. If you want to travel light, you should opt for the lighter tarp.
Mistake #6 - Improper hanging
No matter how cozy and dry it is in the hammock. The wrong suspension can very quickly bring you down to earth, literally.
First you need two trees, posts or similar. , to which you attach your hammock. As a rule of thumb, the two attachment points must be at least 83% apart of the hammock length. With a hammock of HANG For example, 2.80 m is sufficient.
Your attachment straps should hang down at a 30° angle to the tree trunk. Plan the height of your mounting points so that the lowest point of your hammock is 30-46 cm above the ground.
If you don't feel like learning knots and your trees aren't perfectly spaced either, your best bet is to get a hanger with sewn loops, like the one from HANG.
Mistake #7 - Giving up too soon
Admittedly, a lot can go wrong with hammock camping. Sleeping in a hammock can feel strange at first. Give your body and mind time to get used to it!
When do you start your next hammock adventure?