Donate instead of save: We are giving away our profits from Black Friday!

Black Friday is just around the corner, and online shops and retailers have been outdoing each other for weeks with ultra-cheap offers, discounts, Black Week deals and the like. Of course you can do it like this. But you don't have to.
Instead of higher, faster, further, we decided this year to turn November into a month of donations instead.
But one after anonther...
HÄNG donates 2.5% of annual profits
For a number of years we have made a commitment to donate 2.5% of our profits to charitable causes. And not just on certain days, but always. Every order in recent years has contributed to the fact that we have such great clubs as SeaWatch, disabled - so what? or even regional BRK rescue dog squadrons could support with donations.
Why? Because we us wish for a world in which everyone wants and can experience adventures in the fresh air. And such a big goal is best achieved with teamwork. There are things that others can do better than we can. We can hammocks. And charitable institutions can do social engagement. 💚 And environmental protection. And and and.
Twice as many donations in November's HANG donation month
As a counterweight to Black Friday discount battles, we are therefore doubling our donation commitment in November. Instead of the usual 2.5%, 5% of every order goes to really great projects. On November 25th, Black Friday, we will even increase it to 100% 🙌
How does it work?
You order until the end of November - and we donate! On 1.12. we will then do a checkout and divide the amount evenly among this year's recipients of donations.
Who is supported?
Also this year we made this decision together with you, our community, the #SCHWINGERCLUB: By e-mail and Social Media suggestions could be submitted and voted on. Thank you for everyone who took part! 🙏
The beneficiaries of the HÄNG donation month November are this year:

Tierheim Oldenburg
The Oldenburg animal shelter has by far the most votes in our vote. For more than 50 years, the employees there have been taking care of animals that have lost their homes or have never had one. There are now around 1,800 animals a year who depend on the care of the animal shelter employees - and the trend is rising!
Photo: (C) Paul Lovis Wagner / Sea-Watch
The association has dedicated itself to civil sea rescue. Since June 2015, around 45,000 refugees have been saved from drowning in the Mediterranean. The Sea-Watch activists fight for and for every rescued person and against the isolationist policy of the European Union.

The German Bone Marrow Donor Center, DKMS for short, declared war on blood cancer in 1991. Today, the file counts more than 11.5 million donors who are willing to donate life-saving stem cells if there is a genetic match. More than 100,000 people have already been helped in this way.
By the way: Even after November is over, we try to make the world a little bit better. That is why we have committed ourselves to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. You can read what that is here:
We commit ourselves
UPDATE January 2023:
The donation receipts from DKMS, Sea-watch and the Oldenburg animal shelter are now available.