3 tips for your next festival

The festivals are back! Yay! That's why we have three tips for you in this blog so that your next festival is really relaxed.
Tip 1 for a relaxed festival: the camp
First things first: you need a chair. Believe us - it's really no fun just sitting on the ground in your camp for 3-5 days. A classic camping chair is ideal for this. A table would also be good so you don't have to eat on your lap all the time. If necessary, you can also turn any box over and convert it into a table. Sun protection is also important in order to have a shady spot in the camp. So that you can also relax comfortably on a meadow, we recommend our camping blanket TIRE! If it gets a little dirty, you can just wipe them off and everything's back to normal. If there are some trees at your festival, you can have yours too hammock take it with you and just sleep and relax in it.
Absolute Pro Tip: To cool your drinks, you can also take a small shovel and dig a small hole in the ground to create a cool spot for your drinks.

Tip 2 for the festival: pack the camping pharmacy
We know: That's no fun - but it has to be! The most important things in your first-aid kit are medication for headaches and diarrhea, as well as plasters and maybe something for mosquito bites.
But sun protection is particularly important! Without sunscreen - without us!
It's not just your skin that needs protection: your ears also want to relax. Hearing protection is good for this at night. This also allows you to sleep better. When it comes to hearing protection, we recommend not using the cheapest, but getting reusable protection. If you also want to wear protection at the concerts, you should also pay attention to sound fidelity. This means that the protection simply lowers your ambient noise, but does not change the frequency response. so you hear everything, how it would be without protection - it's all just a little quieter.
Optional at a festival is shower gel and shampoo. But your travel group will surely thank you if you wash yourself after a few days of excessive exercise 😉. A shower gel is particularly practical if you can also use it as a shampoo. That saves space!
Tip 3 for a casual time at the festival: cooking
A camping stove and a cooking pot are sufficient for cooking. We can recommend you washing-up liquid and a scratch brush for the kitchen so that you can get rid of any dirt. For us, a festival is best when you don't only eat canned food for 5 days. We therefore recommend taking dry food and a little salt with you. This could be pasta, lentils, canned tomatoes, rice, beans with sauce, vegetable broth, sauces in jars or even soy granules. You can combine these things as you like and get an infinite number of delicious and healthy dishes!

With these tips you should now be perfectly prepared for your next festival! You want more tips & tricks for your outdoor adventure - or just one HANG win for it? Then subscribe to our newsletter now 🙌