Donate instead of profit: Founders of HÄNG Outdoors donate 2.5% of their profit this year

The young founders of the online shop HÄNG Outdoors, Tobias Tullius and Vincent Hommel, are aiming to increase profits this year - in order to get a little closer to their vision of a better world.
HÄNG Outdoors stands for high-quality outdoor gear that impresses with its style. With the bestseller, the hammock HANG, the ultra-light camping blanket DÄCKE and the practical courier backpack BÄG, even the biggest couch potatoes are drawn out into the fresh air.
Wuerselen, March 1, 2021. This year, the entrepreneurs Tobias Tullius and Vincent Hommel are even more committed to a world worth living in by donating 2.5% of their profits to a good cause. The constant growth of the company made this decision possible for the founders.
For the leaders behind the company HÄNG Outdoors, this step is the logical consequence of their own values. Founder Vincent Hommel emphasizes: “We know that we will not make the world a better place all at once and above all not alone. But we can at least try it.” Tobias Tullius is also enthusiastic about the entrepreneurial decision: “Last year on Black Friday we already donated 100% of all profits to the organizations Sea-watch, Protect Our Winters and TIERART. People made the shopping carts of our online shop glow. We had by far the best-selling day of 2020.”
However, social commitment is not a short-term marketing trend for entrepreneurs. Already in 2019 they decided to support Eden Reforestation Projects. Back then, the founders automatically planted a tree through Eden Reforestation Projects for every HANG ordered. This has now changed due to the increase in products in the online shop. Two trees are now planted for every order.
Nevertheless, the founders refuse to be pigeonholed with their commitment. Tobias Tullius says: “There are too many challenges in this world for us to set a fundraising goal in advance. With Eden Reforestation Projects we are committed to greening the world, with the remaining donations we look like we do on Black Friday, where support is currently needed.” Vincent Hommel adds: “We see ourselves as a company that is aware of the challenges of our time Has. This means that we distribute the donations according to this awareness.”
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Contact person press:
Tobias Tullius
+49 (0) 162 289 41 05
Being lazy as a company motto. The German start-up HÄNG Outdoors has been producing ultra-light hammocks made from parachute silk since 2014. Founders Tobias Tullius and Vincent Hommel and their team live and work as outdoor-loving digital nomads. In April 2020, DÄCKE completes the company's range, the roll-top backpack BÄG followed in November 2020.