HÄNG Outdoors donates hammocks to youth at the "Classroom Under Sails"

- Outdoor start-up HÄNG donates hammocks for sailing trips to the “Classroom under Sails” project.
HÄNG wants to make this special experience even more unforgettable for students.
Wuerselen, October 15, 2021
HÄNG is also present at this year's “classroom under sails”. The outdoor startup had already supported a student from KUS year 20/21 with a hammock. This year, the HÄNG founders Tobias Tullius and Vincent Hommel are expanding their commitment - and donating several hammocks to the classroom under sails.
The “Classroom under Sails” project is organized by the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Since 2008, 10th graders have swapped their classroom for the Thor Heyerdahl ship for six months. On board are teachers and an experienced sailing crew, who not only teach the young people the normal school material, but also nautical knowledge.
Vincent Hommel, co-founder of HÄNG Outdoors, is convinced of the concept of the classroom under sail. “As a teenager, I would have had a lot of fun with it. At KUS, the participants not only learn factual knowledge, but also teamwork - you can't do that in school lessons. But teamwork is important throughout life - so learning it from the bottom up early will definitely give you a head start in life.”
The 34 students and 16-strong crew set off on their journey across the Atlantic on October 17th. From Kiel to the Azores to the Caribbean, the KUS people - always with hammocks from HÄNG Outdoors in their luggage - explore the regional nature.
Desiree Mayr from the classroom under sails is happy about the donation. She says: “Young people like to use hammocks in their free time to relax – both on board and on land, between palm trees. In principle, we are always happy about support for our project, as we can also enable less wealthy students to participate in the "classroom under sails".
More information on www.kus-projekt.de
Contact person press:
Tanita Steckel
Being lazy as a company motto. The German start-up HÄNG Outdoors has been producing ultra-light hammocks made from parachute silk since 2014. Founders Tobias Tullius and Vincent Hommel and their team live and work as outdoor-loving digital nomads. In April 2020, DÄCKE completes the company's range, the roll-top backpack BÄG followed in November 2020.