About Hegefire
Name: Simon by hegefire
Age: 34
Residence: Baden
Favorite HÄNG product: Clearly the häng
What you particularly like about HÄNG: well thought out, good pack size, robust
Favorite outdoor spot: in Germany: Saxon Switzerland, in Europe: Ticino
Your outdoor tip: All-purpose weapon: Wet wipes and duct tape, you can use them to solve (almost) all problems
About you:
Discovering beautiful places and telling stories about them is my hobby. On my Tiktok-Channel I tell about the road trips through Germany and Europe. The best thing for me: Comments like "you made us go there and we had a nice weekend" or "I live 10 km away and didn't know it - I have to go there". What amazes me: "Comments like, 'that's never in Germany - FAKE.' I find that funny on the one hand and sad on the other. Therefore: Discover where you live...
@hegefire /Anzeige/🏕Camping-Vlog mit🎒BÄG, HÄNG & DÄCKE Shop: we-hang.com @haeng.outdoors #Werbung #vanlife #camperlife #schwingerclub #roadtrip #harz ♬ HEGEFIRE10 - Hege
@hegefire /Werbung/ @haeng.outdoors 🏕 hat mir die DÄCKE zum ausgiebigen 🔎Testen mitgegeben ✅ Schaut mal bei we-hang.com vorbei! #schwingerclub #häng #däcke ♬ SUN GOES DOWN - Andreas Roehrig