The HÄNG team introduces itself!
We wish us A world in which everyone wants and can experience adventures in the fresh air, and the constantly growing HÄNG team is working on this - admittedly very ambitious - goal. If you are now thinking “tell me more”, today is your lucky day. Everyone from the team will tell you a few spicy details about themselves and their personal HANG passion 😊

At HÄNG responsible for...
Tools, marketing and able to find solutions to obscure problems.
Favorite spot for swinging...
between the A-pillar of the campervan and the festival stage.
Outdoor Hack
Drybag with clothes replaces the pillow.
Fun Fact
My body has a higher percentage of POMBEARS than some supermarket shelves.

At HÄNG responsible for...
everything about the product.
Evolve → Produce → Improve
Favorite spot for swinging...
in the living room, thanks to roof beams.
outdoor hack
A cable tie can be made from gaffer tape, but not the other way around.
fun facts
Still working with MS Paint (Best!)

At HÄNG responsible for...
Tiktok content creation
Favorite spot for swinging...
In the door of my campervan
outdoor hack
In any case, always have a lighter, pocket knife and handkerchiefs with you.
fun facts
I have been living in a campervan instead of an apartment since October 2021.

At HÄNG responsible for...
The happiness of our customers and the optimization of all possible processes.
Favorite spot for swinging...
At the festival next to the floor.
Outdoor Hack
Be barefoot and feel the ground. Shoes are generally overrated, I think.
Fun Fact
I really love chocolate and my camper and I are the same age.

At HÄNG responsible for...
management support, team events, customer support and whatever comes up here and there.
Favorite spot for swinging...
Between two palm trees.
Outdoor Hack
fix rolled-up clothes in socks, but only works from shoe size 40.
Fun Fact
I always wear 2 different socks.

The HÄNG team is currently looking for reinforcements. Take a look at our careers page.
New Work, home office and remote work - these topics are neither just a phrase nor a phase for us, they have been on our mind for a long time and are our daily business. HÄNG is actually one of very few companies that work 100% remotely. We don't have an office, but the shop is still running. 😊Most of us have set up a permanent workplace at home, but if we get the urge to travel or the ceiling falls on our heads, then the world is open to us (as long as we have access to stable internet). Since we love this flexibility, you can see on the map where we have already worked (if the pandemic situation allows it). And because we like to explore the world a little more after work or just hang out outside, there are a few small tips for the places on top 🌳🦥.