About HÄNG

EAST. 2014
The Idea

It all started with the desire for a decent double hammock. But everything that was available was either too bulky, too expensive or too small.

So we took matters into our own hands, designing, testing and sewing. Until we were satisfied. Then we made some for our friends. Til today.

space for everyone

Together on the way

Friends are for all of us. We are
We are convinced that all people are equal and we are actively committed to this. No matter when, where or how.

To the mission & vision
Remote. Always.
100% Online

We don't believe in grades, hours or offices. Our employees are spread across seven cities and can decide for themselves when and from where

Bildschirmaufnahme von einem Bildschirm mit verschiedenen kleinen Kärtchen auf denen Personen zu sehen sind. Die Seite hat die Überschrift
Bildschirmaufnahme mit verschiedenen Kacheln in denen Personen zu sehen sind.
event rental
50+ Festivals

From Feel to Parookaville. Over the last few years we've been all over Europe to celebrate with you.

Everything we do...