Do good for a month

Our biggest fundraiser yet!
Did you know that we donate 2.5% of our annual profit to non-profit organizations? We've been doing it this way for a few years and have been able to get such great clubs like ANIMAL SPECIES or disabled, so what? support.
But that's not enough for us. For this reason double our donation commitment for the whole month of November. From every order we receive in November, we donate 5% of the profit.
And it gets even better. We even donate on BLÄCK FRIDAY the full profit.
How does this work?
You order - and we donate. On December 1st we're going to do the Kassensturz. We then divide the entire donation amount evenly among the selected organizations.
Who is supported?
Because we didn't want to decide that ourselves, we asked the #SCHWINGERCLUB in advance which clubs or charitable institutions needed our help. And you decided:
United4Rescue - Rescue together e.V.
United4Rescue is an alliance that supports civil sea rescue of refugees. They help with the purchase and conversion of rescue ships, support rescue operations and campaign publicly, politically and as activists for sea rescue. With their help, Sea Watch e.V. was able to put another rescue ship into operation in 2020 and lift the detention imposed by Italy in the same year.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Since 1961 - so 60 years already! - the WWF is dedicated to international nature and environmental protection. In various projects around the world, the WWF is committed to protecting lions and elephants in Africa, establishing protection zones in the Arctic and South America and removing ghost nets from the Baltic Sea.
Action Germany helps e.V. - flood Germany
In July of this year, western Germany was hit by a massive flood. This is no longer news. Unfortunately, the topic is getting less and less media attention. However, those affected still need help on the ground. That's why we join the Action Germany helps an.
German Depression Aid Foundation
Almost every fifth person in Germany suffers from depression at least once in their life. That's a fact. We hope that nobody has to face this illness alone. That's why we support them German Depression Aid Foundation. Her self-declared goal is to "make a significant contribution to better care for people suffering from depression and to reducing the number of suicides in Germany."
Step by step – Association for the Advancement of Disabled Children e.V.
Finally, a Tyrolean club, which was by far the most frequently submitted. The step by step. has been supporting developmentally retarded children and young people on their way to the greatest possible independence for 12 years. The association offers a wide variety of therapies - even a therapy dog comes by weekly 🐶 We have received a number of messages and personal stories that reinforce us: This association is doing fantastic work and needs to be supported.
By the way: Even after November is over, we try to make the world a little bit better. That is why we have committed ourselves to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. You can read what that is here:
We commit ourselves
This post originally appeared on November 1st, 2021 and was last updated on December 21st, 2021 at 3:10 PM.