How to protect your favorite tree (and all other trees too)
Do you have a favorite tree that you would like to protect additionally? No problem! That's why we developed the SÄVE. Perfect for all tree lovers - and everyone who wants to become one!
🌳 Did you know? 🌳
We at HÄNG love trees. That's why we not only developed the (probably) first tree protection in the world especially for hammocks with the SÄVE, but we also donate 2 trees per order. nice, right? For anyone who wants to learn more about how to protect trees, we have collected some information ⬇️
1 order = 2 trees
For every order we plant 2 trees. Because planting trees is the cheapest and easiest way to improve the climate!
Cool HÄNG hammock add-ons for you...
Are you already swinging away, but have the feeling that something is still missing? No problem! We've developed some super cool add-ons for your HANG that will make your outdoor adventures even better.

Sleep in the HANG? This works out! Perfect in combination with our super light, super soft and water-repellent DÄCKE. Altogether just under 1.5 kg and super space-saving (instead of 8 kg for a bulky tent, sleeping bag & sleeping pad).

HANG too short? Despite the ultra-long range of the HANG suspension, it can happen that the trees are simply too far apart. Doesn't that sound bad? But imagine you are at the mega spot and your HANG is too short. Argh!

Your HÄNG comes with extra thick straps and a knotless suspension, protecting all the trees out there. But if you have a favorite tree that you always swing from, you can get the SÄVE for additional protection.