The art of routine and how to master it

Everybody surely has this one person in their circle of friends or acquaintances. This one person who seems to have everything under control, who is always highly motivated and disciplined when it comes to all commitments. This person then still works out every day, is successful in their job and generally seems quite fulfilled. The time expenditure of the person doesn't even seem that great, on the contrary: your acquaintance even has time comfortably in the HANG to chill.
Sure, the most ambitious and successful people on this planet always seem like they're complete game changers and that everything they've achieved is beyond our reach. But quite the opposite: These people are usually not the ones with the greatest talent or the greatest luck, but simply disciplined and organized. Every day has a structure and there is still much more potential that can be exploited every day. Often we just tend to block ourselves and preoccupy ourselves with things that aren't even that important. Or simply not trusting ourselves to do things that we would easily be able to do. That's all self sabotage for fear of stepping out of the comfort zone. But how do you get out of there and use its full potential? That sounds harder than it is, but basically a well-structured day helps, i.e. a full day routines.

Why are routines so important in everyday life?
The world we live in today is often dynamic, stressful and chaotic. Pressure to perform, deadlines and individual obligations make everyday life even more difficult. Sometimes you don't even know where your head is with all the obligations and tasks and personal needs, downtime and breaks just don't get enough. Routines and structures in everyday life can help and increase motivation. This gives you more time that you can spend in the fresh air and you can do yours Everyday like Paul and Greta, make it an adventure.
And what is the best way to integrate routines into your everyday life?
In short, routines are actions that are repeated over and over again. To get used to a new behavior, it just needs to be repeated often enough. As soon as a new routine is established and then carried out, your brain additionally rewards the behavior. That's why it's difficult to break an old habit. To trick a bit, triggers can also help: First you take your packed BEG and go to the gym. The trigger here is your already packed backpack.
What routines are there?
Basically, routines are neither positive nor negative. Everything can affect your life in some way. There are different routines, for example how to structure your morning. Once you pick up your cell phone, do you leave the house on an empty stomach? All of these could be part of your morning routine. That's why there are different optimization strategies: exercise, getting up earlier or reading a book can all be part of a better routine.
And what about the daily routine now?
There is no rule here. Change what bothers you and try to incorporate new realistic routines. Don't look at your goal as a whole, but break it down into small chunks. For example, if you want to get up earlier, you can start by getting up 10 minutes earlier each day. Start small and celebrate when you reach your goal. If you want to be more active every day and spend your time outdoors in nature, you should start just as small. Try five minutes first. And if you don't know where to go, simply let Paul and Greta inspire you. They will show you the most beautiful places on your doorstep.