Sustainable outdoor activities: tips for environmentally friendly activities

The first sunshine after the uncomfortable time is here! Yay! And now there are always warmer days and nights waiting for us. Since we, as outdoor friends, naturally also want to protect the environment and make our lives more sustainable, we have collected a few tips over time so that everyone can enjoy nature with a clear conscience and in their own hammock can relax.
Why sustainable outdoor activities?
Above all, tourism and our leisure activities have an enormous impact on our environment, air and water quality and the landscape. Every barbecue evening and artificial bathing lake is not so great for the environment. But those are exactly the things that nobody would want to miss. However, all these leisure activities cause serious environmental pollution, which causes our nature to suffer greatly. All leisure activities generate waste that could easily fill 20 trucks.
The barbecue evening with friends or the next summer festival - these are all things that you definitely cannot and do not want to do without next summer. But there are also many things that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Zero-Waste Picknick
Find a nice meadow with your friends, grab yours TIRE as a picnic blanket or another outdoor blanket and organize a zero-waste picnic. Everyone brings home-made snacks in lunch boxes, their own crockery and reusable containers. There are also great alternatives to conventional packaging material, such as beeswax wrap. So grab yours BEG and pack everything for your zero-waste picnic!
If that works out great, next time you can also organize a zero-waste barbecue. Is that maybe a challenge among friends?

Stargazing in the hammock
Stargazing is especially good on land. But if you live in the city, you can still get your bike out of hibernation and ride out into the country with your friends. With the HANG You also have a relaxed lying surface in your luggage. The hammock for two is easily enough and you can watch the stars in a very romantic way.
bike ride
If you've got your bike ready for a trip to the country anyway, isn't it worth going on a bike tour right away? With snacks in reusable containers and a few drinks in the BEG relaxed - and you can directly enjoy nature.
Some cities organize a so-called clean-up, where volunteers from all neighborhoods meet and clear the local squares and parks of rubbish. Maybe your city does that too? It would also be a great opportunity to stretch your legs, do something good and meet new people. After such an action, it will certainly relax better in the hammock.

build herb garden
Do you live in the city and your apartment simply doesn't have a garden? Are you still in the mood for your own mini garden? Just build your little herb garden right on your balcony! A green thumb not only makes you happy, but also puts your summer dishes in a new light. With the herbs on your balcony you are also doing something good, because the different herbs attract a large number of insects and especially bees.
You want more ideas? Then have a look at Paul and Greta on YouTube. Here they show you which wild herbs you can eat.