With HÄNG to the festival for free? Sign up for our distribution list!

get interested? Please sign up exclusively via this form
That's what it's about:
We are still looking for a few party people for the festival summer who would hang up a few hammocks. No stand, no guidelines. We'll add you to our festival mailing list and let you know when we have tickets available. You are also welcome to tell us your dream festival and we will inquire for you. That's right: You get to the festival cheaply and don't have to do anything but work 2 hours and dance for many hours!
The process:
- We'll send an email when there's a new festival
- You are interested in the event and register with us.
- We'll send you a batch of hammocks at home + one just for you
- You go to the festival and hang up the hammocks on the first day.
- You go partying, dancing & enjoying. No supervision of the hammocks necessary.
- In the end you drop everything and go home.
- You recover and send everything back to us with a shipping label (already included)
- That's it.
get interested? Please sign up exclusively via this form
See you soon!

About Us:
Allow, HÄNG.COM. Since 2014 we have been making ultra-lightweight parachute silk hammocks. These weigh only 850g and fit in any backpack. In addition to partnerships with RedBull, The train, Payback, American Express and much more, we sell them in over 50 countries worldwide. Since 2017 we have also been renting out our hammocks and our own lounge solutions to festivals throughout Europe. In November we have them ultra-light outdoor rug - TIRE with 255% up Kickstarter funded. We are bursting with ideas and there is a lot to do. We would appreciate your help and insights.