Happy Mothers's Day!

Eine Frau liegt lachend in einer schwarzen ultraleichten Campinghaengematte am Flussufer. Darueber liegt der Schriftzug Geschenkideen zum Muttertag.

Peeps, it's that time again: Sunday is Mother's Day! So the day we celebrate our mothers*. Okay, maybe we should do this more than once a year 😉 But if you haven't told your mom how great you think she is for a long time, Sunday is a great time to do so. But how?

What can you give for Mother's Day?

Sure, you could call or visit your mom, hug her tight and say "I love you". In theory, that might even be enough. But a gift that shows mom that you've thought about how to make her happy is never wrong either. Only: If you don't want to give a voucher or a photo book again, what could be the ideal Mother's Day gift? Here are some ideas!

Flowers for Mother's Day

Selbstgepflueckter Blumenstrauss

The most classic gift for Mother's Day: flowers! So far, so unimaginative. But it doesn't have to be. Because first of all, let's be honest: Who doesn't love a pretty bouquet of flowers?! And secondly, a bouquet doesn't have to be as impersonal as it sounds now. Just pay a little visit to your local flower meadow and pick the bouquet for mum yourself. It may be more tiring than buying in the flower shop, but it's worth it. Promised. And you can then also in your HANG relax.

Cake for Mother's Day

For the sweeties among us also a long runner: cake! After all, love goes through the stomach. You can be as creative as your baking skills allow - or you can outsource the cake baking to professionals and maybe even have a photo of you two printed on it. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter what the cake looks like, the main thing is that it tastes good.

Schokokuchen mit Loeffel

So that the sweet surprise works, here is our team’s favorite recipe. Always works!

You need:

  • 250 g flour
  • 180 grams of sugar
  • 3 El Kakao
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 TL Vanilleextrakt
  • 250ml of water
  • 100 ml

Preheat the oven to 180° and grease the baking tin. Mix together the dry ingredients first, then add the liquids. Stir vigorously, pour in and place in the oven for about 30 minutes.

More Mother's Day gift ideas

Zwei ultraleichte Campinghaengematten von HAENG in rot und blau haengen auf einer Lichtung im Sonnenschein

Be honest: Who was always an absolute angel as a child? 👼 Exactly - neither do we. Being a mom is often exhausting. That's why moms deserve a break. So why not give away relaxation for Mother's Day? Whether a visit to the spa, a massage or a hammock to unwind: the main thing is to get away from it all!

Or you invite mom to a picnic in the park. Almost like before - except that this time mum doesn't spread the sandwiches and pack the picnic basket, you do. Then maybe bake the HÄNG team cake, she TIRE pack it up and you're good to go! It's also great to reminisce, laugh about shared experiences and just have a good time together 💚

Order a Mother's Day gift now? Easy to do right here: