Attaching a hammock without a tree - is that possible?

The winter weather still has us firmly under control - but you don't want to wait any longer to wake up your hammock from hibernation? You do not have to! you can your HANG namely also easy to open up inside and just let your soul dangle. We give practical tips on how to do this in every apartment.
Set up a hammock with a stand
One of the easiest ways to place your hammock in the living room is with a stand. The advantage: you don't have to do much yourself. Once set up, your HANG becomes an integral part of your furniture and you can always start swinging immediately. But that is also the disadvantage at the same time, because yours HANG you can easily remove it again and stow it away to save space - but not the frame. And such a frame easily takes up between two and four meters in length, so it needs quite a lot of space. It also involves additional costs - you should plan at least €50 for your hammock stand.
Attach hammock to roof beam
do you want yours hammock in the living room without wasting a lot of space with a bulky frame? Then it is often worth just looking up. If your home has roof beams, you have home field advantage. Then it simply means: wrap the suspension around it, HANG hook in, done. Incidentally, the same applies to maisonette apartments: the banisters are usually screwed on so tightly that you can easily remove yours HANG can attach to it.

For us personally, this is actually the best way to use the hammock indoors. The HANG attaching to ceiling beams not only saves space, but costs you NOTHING.
Fasten the hammock to the ceiling
But even without ceiling beams you can swing indoors with your hammock. And it's even easier than you might think - by attaching the hammock either to the ceiling or to the walls. All you need are dowels and eyebolts. You can get them for little money at any well-stocked hardware store.
That's it! Before you can get started, however, there are a few things to consider.
First: plan enough space to swing in the hammock.
A hammock wouldn't be a hammock if you couldn't swing in it. And that takes up space! It is therefore super important that there is about one meter of free space in front of and behind the hammock. This is in addition to the actual space requirement of your hammock.
Second: The building material must be load-bearing so that you can attach your hammock to it.
This is the be-all and end-all and must be clarified before you start DIY. Otherwise you run the risk of the suspension breaking out. In the best case, this only makes unsightly holes in the wall. In the worst case, you'll also hurt yourself 🤕 But the good news is: Many building materials are load-bearing!
Best suited for hammock attachment Concrete - but bricks or sand-lime bricks can easily withstand it. Even perforated bricks and aerated concrete can, with the right equipment, carry your hammock (and you) 😊
If you don't know what material your ceilings and walls are made of, just ask your landlord or property manager.
Last but not least: Test the attachment points for your hammock beforehand.
Basically, for maximum comfort, the hammock should sag loosely like a banana. The deepest point should be about knee-high so that you can get in and out with ease.
When you attach your HANG to the ceiling, the attachment points should not be too far apart - because the further apart they are, the tighter your hammock will be in the end.
By the way: If you have very high ceilings and would therefore hang the HANG way too high, you still have a little leeway below thanks to the suspension.
If you attach your hammock to the walls, the lower the attachment points, the tighter it will hang; the higher you tie them, the looser.
When in doubt, the simple rule is: try it out! Before you put your nails on the head (or dowels with screws), hold the hammock against the wall and see whether the step-in height and the degree of sag are right for you. If everything works, mark the attachment points and measure again to make sure they are at the same height. And then you can start!
Per tip last: For particularly porous building materials, there are special dowels and mortar with which the screws are cemented into the dowel. This gives the whole construction a portion of extra support.
You've made a holder for your hammock - but you're still missing a HANG? You can change that now